Did you know that Clark Chiropractic almost never existed??
Let me tell you the story...
When I was in Chiropractic College, I was involved in a lot of extracurricular activities!
I was not only the president of my graduating class, but I was also president of the Texas Chiropractic Association for students.
With this experience and graduating Cum Lade, I thought many doctors would want me on their team!
After three months and no phone calls, I then decided that maybe I should open my own practice.
I had a friend who owned a professional building in Porter, TX invite me to move into his building and begin a practice.
Thus, Clark chiropractic began August 3rd, 1992 with 900 square feet building space and one Chiropractic Assistant (CA).
Then tragedy struck on September 27th, 1992.
I had an accident and suffered a compound fracture of my left lower leg!
This put me out of practice before I had ever really begun.
But, by the grace of God and the help of friends and family I survived until my leg healed.
It was then that I discovered how the tragedy turned into a blessing and an opportunity to meet my first Chiropractic mentors and friends Dr. Jay Morgan and Dr. Chuck Gibson who began to patiently instruct and teach me how to be a Chiropractor and how to build a Chiropractic practice.
Through their mentorship, hard work, and the blessing of God, Clark chiropractic became one of the largest Chiropractic practices in the state of Texas as well as the entire nation.
We now occupy a 5,000 square foot professional building and employ ten staff members including one to two associate doctors!
The story behind Clark Chiropractic is the desire I developed and learned from other great Chiropractors before me to help people achieve optimal health through natural Chiropractic care and wellness.
Our passion at Clark Chiropractic is to help as many people in our lifetime as we can, especially children through natural Chiropractic care.
We live this passion out daily by assisting our patients in the recovery of their health from numerous health conditions including chronic pain, fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, migraine headaches, as well as other chronic illnesses like hypothyroid symptoms, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, adrenal fatigue and many more.
Our goal daily is to deliver the most excellent service and care in a professional and loving environment.
None of this would be possible without the support of my family, friends, my team, and most of all my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say, “Underneath every story is a deeper factor” and Clark Chiropractic is no exception to that.
I began my practice in 1992 but my life and my practice changed in 1996 when, I by the grace of God was saved and became a Bible believing Christian.
At that time, I not only received Jesus Christ as my Savior, but as my Lord, and as a Christian, now therefore everything I do in my life, I do for His honor and His glory.
Therefore, each patient that I see and interact with, and the way I operate my practice all reflect upon His name.
So, my goal is to operate my life and my practice on the highest possible character of honesty, integrity, and excellence.
If I ever fall short of these goals, I promise it is not on purpose and I ask you to forgive me.
And please bring any questions or concerns that you have to my attention. And lastly if you ever have any questions concerning faith in Christ or if there’s any need that you have that I can pray for you about please let me know.
God Bless You.
Thank you for letting me be your Doctor!
Dr. Clark
Philippians 3:14